Where you should put your pounds when it comes to men's footwear

Where you should put your pounds when it comes to men's footwear
A wise man once said that you should spend money on your shoes and your bed because if you're not in one, then you're in other. No idea who they guy was but his words ring true. However, nowadays when it comes to shoes money doesn't always equal quality or value. So how do I go about getting the most bang for my buck I hear you ask? Well, firstly I would recommend always going for brands, for example dr martens shoes for men. With brand names, particularly dr martens shoes for men, you know that you're getting a certain level of quality and style. Also, durability is almost guaranteed from a solid pair of DM's. With a thick sole and hefty leather paired with their trademark yellow stitching you can be sure that they'll stand up to almost anything you could throw at them. The reason behind the higher quality lying withing brand names is partly due to the brands accountability and reputation having huge importance. If their products aren't known to last long no one will want them. For that reason brands tend to sacrifice on profit margin slightly by prioritising durability and therefor invest in more expensive, higher quality materials. Brands most known for their high quality products include dr martens shoes for men (and women). Another sure fire way to get the most for your money is by getting something versatile. This ideally means a pair of shoes that can be worn on both smart and casual nights out, or even to work. With new trends like trainers with suits becoming more and more common this is easier than ever. However trainers with smart clothing isn't for everyone, with some believing it to look like more of an afterthought than a fashion statement. The solution to this is dr martens shoes for men. Leather classics such as these can be worn on almost any occasion with versatility that is unmatched by any other style. Dr Martens shoes for men should be a staple in any mans shoe closet. They're a classic that never really went away and depending on which style you go for, you can dress them up any way you like. You really can go from one extreme to the other with the leather lace up boots with their chunky sole, you can make up a positively punk look complete with true authenticity, you'll look like you've straight out of a sex pistols concert. Alternative styles such as these are very much 'back in' now and are the perfect balance between edgy and mainstream. That being said, if you go for a slightly lower profile pair of dr martens shoes for men and throw on a pair of jeans or chinos and a button down or flannel shirt you'll look fashionably casual. You could even pair them with a suit, with the bulky, shiny finish perfectly rounding off a sharp yet up to date and powerful look. Dr martens shoes for men really are a must for the footwear choice of any man, it's a great go to option.

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  • Sarah Nicks